Bangtao Tales
2nd May 2012
Chapter 51

A Happier Ending:

This is a true story which I am finding a little difficult to relate.

It concerns a lady I have written about before on several occasions.

I first met her when I arrived in Phuket about three and a half years ago. I met her in a bar and we became friends - good friends. We often used to go swimming at Laem Sing beach. She is one of the few Thai girls I have met who enjoys swimming.

We spent some good times together but I knew I was not looking for a permanent relationship. I think I have been married enough times already.

This fact blunted the purpose of our time together and soon we just stopped seeing each other.

In the ensuing few years we have remained good friends as I have observed, albeit from a little distance, her attempts to establish a good relationship with various farangs with various unsuitabilities.

It has been sad to see her gradually toughen up as she has been emotionally damaged by these relationships.

I have been in the position where I could offer all sorts of assistance, short of real help.

I sometimes have wished that I could somehow change the world so that the huge number of people who are emotionally stressed by their circumstances could see their way past their problems and be happy.

Of course this is a pious platitude and I probably achieve very little in this quest.

Was it Gladstone or Disraeli who often walked the shadier streets of London, at night, hoping to save young maidens from distress?
Well, whoever he was, I am less cynical about his motivation than I used to be.

So, anyway here we are three years later and what has changed?

What has changed is this.

A couple of days ago I went to a wedding party. My young lady friend has married a farang.
I do not know him very well, but well enough to respect him. I spoke to him a few days ago and congratulated him on his choice, and good fortune.
He is well aware that his lady has had a tough time but is truly a lady.
I am confident that he will look after her and, as is the custom in Thailand, her extended family. And in return she will I am sure treat him with the respect he is due.

I left the party the other night in a state of emotional overload. I rode home on my motorbike with a real sense of joy and a happy smile .

Ah me! perhaps the tears were just the wind blowing in my face.
