Bangtao Tales
18th November 2013
Chapter 64

Loy Krathong:

Last night was the time for Loy Krathong. It is my favourite festival. Everybody buys or makes a little boat out of a section of banana tree trunk and decorates it with flowers and candles and three incense sticks.
The owner is sometimes represented by nail clippings or a lock of hair. Money is sometimes placed in it to speed its acceptance by whatever gods are to be appeased, pleased or placated. The idea is that the 'krathong' floats away carrying the owners toubles with it. If it sails away then the omens are good for the coming year. If it doesn't then things don't look so good. Couples who make a wish together as they launch their krathongs are especially favoured, particularly if their kratongs sail away close together. This festival of lights as the candle lit boats drift gently away is truly beautiful.

With this in mind, earlier in the day I went for a massage at khun Bee's massage parlour. It is a time when, whilst she endeavours to dismember me, I attempt to amaze her with my carefully rehearsed, spontaneous wit. Each witty barb is followed by a renewed attack on my supine form. This prevents some of my more extreme comments , since I am too busy trying to preserve my life.
However I did find the time to invite her to celebrate Loy Krathong with me. She declined my offer which was a bit disappointing. I asked her if she had a better offer but she just said "No I'm just far too busy."

But, after a brief pause she suddenly announced that there was a man who she loved. This stopped me in my tracks.
Now it is not every day that one has to listen to a lady, who one loves, describing some other guy who SHE loves.
Hmmm! However since one of my earlier smart comments had been "I don't see why just because I love you we can't be friends" I felt obliged to hear her out, and if possible make constructive comments.
In the circumstances I think I coped quite well.

"Oh yes and where does he come from?"
(So far so good - so do I)
"And how old is he?"
"Sixty Four."
(Damn! I knew I should have lied about my age)
"And what is so special about him?"
"He's got plenty of money"
(Another thing I should have lied about!)
"And is he fun to be with?"
(What a stupid question - she was hardly likely to say "No")

At this stage I managed to stop asking questions since I realized I really didn't want to hear the answers.
But without my urging Bee was only too happy to tell me about it.
Apparently she has known him for some years but he has a wife back in England (So have I) and she refuses to go out with him until he chooses between the two of them.
In fact she tells me that she only sees him when he comes for a haircut, manicure or pedicure.
She refuses to give him a massage.

As I lie there on the massage table somehow the air chills and the pleasure of the really excellent massage somehow fades to nothing.

Oh well I did have the sense not to ask his name since I really did not want to have a target to focus my jealousies on. I guess I'm learning slowly.

So later that evening despite having other invitations I decided to celebrate Loi Krathong on my own.
I went down to the lakeside.
I acquired a beautiful, lotus blossom decorated, krathong and filled it with coins, heartaches and all of my troubles.
Lighting the incense sticks and candles I carefully launched it.
For perhaps five minutes it sailed gently away from the shore.

But then...............It sank.
