Bangtao Tales
January 29th 2015
Chapter 80

The Banana Experiment:

I have known khun Gluai for a couple of years or so and have spent happy times with her and money on her.
She is young, cuddly and affectionate.
Last year I promised to buy her a ring to match the earings and necklace which I had already given her.
Due to her going back home and leaving Phuket, I did not have the chance to do this, but I did not forget my promise.

A week or so ago she returned to Phuket.

It was good to see her again.
Being young, her idea of a good time consists of staying up all hours, drinking and enjoying her friends company.
That is OK by me. I usually collapse about midnight, leaving my door unlocked.
Gluai has frequently arrived at my place, sometimes a bit drunk, somewhere near dawn.
This has irritated me a bit because I have missed her warmth during the night.

So I decided it was time to fulfil my promise and buy her that ring.
This brightened her up and she started coming home earlier.

I am not totally stupid and I was pretty sure that this was a major incentive for her.

I decided to conduct an experiment.

Yesterday I agreed to go with her and obtain the promised ring.
We bought it and she was delighted.
I had originally planned to buy it today as the incentive for her to spend more time with me would probably have been more compelling.
However I wanted to see what would happen after I had bought her the ring.
Would she be so happy with me that she would spend all night with me - or would she effectively say, "thank you very much" and disappear.
Last night as I went home at about midnight she said "leave the door open I'll see you when the bar closes at two o'clock"

I left my door open.

It is now eight o'clock in the morning and I am still alone.

Alas! my experiment has been, I believe, definitive.

I have sent khun Gluai a message saying "Goodbye" and wishing her a happy life.

Oh by the way, 'gluai' is Thai for 'banana'.