List of titles or first lines
14) Late at night emotions racing
27) Stone cold sober here am I
50) A cure for love? A cure for verse?
90) Don't make it worse, the frost, the snow
113) The christmas tree in my tent is small
122) I miss my own bed when I fall asleep
180) Tonight is the night I'll stop drinking, all right!
222) Reality and dreams combine
353) If wishes were horses beggars would ride
403) My god the weather's so sublime
426) I sit in the bar drinking gin
452) Oh Christ! I'm off to buy some beer
491) I failed to catch a falling star
530) If drinking gin is still a sin
540) My beer's gone flat and my coffee's cold
541) La biere was last week and its cerveza this
554) Oh god I'm tired I just can't cope
557) It's not the no sex which confuses and troubles
703) Late last night,awash with ale...
711) Having a cold just isn't romantic
718)Here alone there lies a poet
725)Angelique do you exist?
733)The party was great.....